STTKD Library & SMAN 1 Sewon Collaboration
The College of Aerospace Technology (STTKD) signed a cooperation agreement with SMAN 1 Sewon regarding the use of library facilities. This activity was held on Monday 12/12/2002 although the signing was carried out Desk to Desk. On Monday the representative from the Development Department Fahmi Rozaki met with Dra. Yati utami Purwaningsih, M.Pd as Principal of SMAN 1 Sewon.

Kerjasama STTKD SMAN 1 Sewon
Literacy greeting is a typical greeting from library practitioners.
An important point in this Cooperation Agreement is the use of library facilities at each institution. Students of SMAN 1 Sewon can visit the STTKD library location and read the reference books in it. Conversely, STTKD can also provide reading materials and aerospace references to the SMAN 1 Sewon Library.
This collaboration is very beneficial for each institution considering the importance of reading for the younger generation. With this collaboration, both STTKD and SMAN 1 Sewon can expand access for students to get quality references. This is also in line with the independent campus learning program, where universities must become learning partners for the community. (ys & hp)